The female sex robot “Harmony” has been successfully developed and the crying version needs to increase the price

AsiaIndustrial NetNews: According to the British “Daily Mail” report on April 17, the US company Abyss Creations recently announced that a new generation of sex womenrobotHarmony (meaning “harmony”) has been successfully developed, which is a robot that has the ability to learn and generate emotions with humans.

The female sex robot “Harmony” has been successfully developed and the crying version needs to increase the price

Abyss Creations, California, USA, is a company specializing in the development of sex Robots. Realbotix, a subsidiary company, announced that the new Harmony sex robot has been successfully developed and will be launched as soon as possible.

The female sex robot “Harmony” has been successfully developed and the crying version needs to increase the price

According to US media Cnet, this Harmony robot can be customized, and users can directly talk to the robot. This lifelike robot took more than 80 hours to complete, and every detail is perfect, from the teeth to the genitals. It has persistent memory, can learn independently, and can generate simulated feelings with customers.

The company released Harmony 2.0 in March. Through the video, we can hear that the robot has a Scottish accent and can switch between 18 personality traits, such as shyness or strong sexual desire.

In the video, Matt McCullen, president of Abyss Creations, had a conversation with Harmony2.0. The robot said that there was nothing wrong with having strong sexual desire, and that sex was the most beautiful thing in the world.

President Matt McCullen revealed that the robot was born to allow customers to have relationships that they usually don’t get. You can ask it any question and she will answer it seriously.

Customers can download this APP from the official website of Realbotix. The annual membership fee is 20 US dollars (about 138 RMB), while the price of Harmony sex robot is 6,500 US dollars (about 44,752 RMB), and the tearful Harmony costs 12,000 US dollars (about 82,619 RMB). ).

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