From local innovation to world brand, Yuejiang Technology has ranked first in the export list of domestic industrial robots for three consecutive years

Today, Yuejiang Robots have been exported to more than 140 countries and regions around the world, and their applications cover industry, education, medical care, business and other scenarios, becoming one of the most successful Chinese robot brands in globalization. “Robot and Intelligent System” magazine interviewed Liu Peichao, Chairman and CEO of Yuejiang Technology, and asked him to give his views and opinions on the company’s series product layout, the road of localization and independent innovation, and the key direction of Yuejiang’s future efforts.

From local innovation to world brand, Yuejiang Technology has ranked first in the export list of domestic industrial robots for three consecutive years

  Fill the gap in the industry and continuously enrich the product line

Shenzhen Yuejiang Technology Co., Ltd. is a provider of intelligent Robotic arm solutions. The company is driven by artificial intelligence technology and takes “ultra-small, lightweight, full-sensing” intelligent robotic arms as the carrier. Through research and development, production, sales and Provide a complete set of integrated solutions to help customers solve the bottleneck problems that restrict the development of enterprises such as labor shortage and rising labor costs, efficiently meet the growing demand for flexible production, and strive to achieve the optimal configuration of human-machine collaboration.

Talking about the original intention of choosing light Industrial robots as a subdivision of the track, Liu Peichao believes that in the past, traditional robots were large in size, lacked in safety and flexibility, and could only be used in some manufacturing industries. Robots are used instead, and the production needs of multiple varieties and small batches require flexible automation, products that are safe, easy to use, flexibly adjusted, and quickly deployed to the production line. In Liu Peichao’s view, collaborative robots are the real market demand.

Keenly capturing the blank spots in the industry and the market, the Yuejiang technology team led by Liu Peichao dared to be the first to launch the world’s first desktop robotic arm in the early stage of its business. .

From local innovation to world brand, Yuejiang Technology has ranked first in the export list of domestic industrial robots for three consecutive years

The successful landing of the first lightweight robot has laid a solid foundation for Yuejiang Technology. Subsequently, Yuejiang Technology has successively launched lightweight products such as SCARA collaborative robotic arms and full-sensing collaborative machinery, and integrated more intelligent perception capabilities, allowing robots to interact with each other. Humans interact safely and operate more simply, which not only lowers the threshold for using robots, but also shortens the time for robot introduction.

As the company’s flagship product, the CR series is a fully-sensing and collaborative six-axis robotic arm launched by Yuejiang Technology. It has functions such as flexible deployment, one-handed teaching, collision detection, and trajectory reproduction. It has both security and safety, and meets the needs of users for a short return on investment period and human-machine collaboration.

In October 2021, Yuejiang Technology released three new collaborative robotic arms, CR3L, CR7, and CR12. Together with the previously launched CR3, CR5, CR10, and CR16, they formed a 3-16kg complete product matrix. Among them, the CR3L arm length reached 1700mm, which is the largest in the industry. The first cost-effective collaborative robotic arm with super large arm length. At present, the CR series has six types of loads and seven models, with a rich selection of loads and boom lengths, providing more economical and applicable solutions for different industry scenarios.

At present, the CR series has been widely used in production lines such as auto parts, home appliances, 3C electronics, etc. for industrial operations such as assembly, product packaging, grinding, testing, spraying, loading and unloading, and has the advantages of both industrial robots and collaborative robots. One CR cooperates The robotic arm can help customers save 2-3 workers, and the efficiency is more than 40% higher than that of pure manual labor.

In addition, the CR series provides a wealth of communication interfaces and process development kits, supports mainstream end grippers, vision and force sensors, and can quickly match the needs of various process solutions in various industries. The CR series can be easily integrated with AGV mobile robots to build a composite robot solution to further meet the needs of complex scenarios such as logistics transmission, mobile workstations, and outdoor picking.

Yuejiang Technology recently launched a force feedback master Haptics 6D, which forms a teleoperation robot solution with CR series collaborative robots, which can replace humans to enter unknown or dangerous environments for complex operations, such as nuclear power experiments, high-voltage power distribution, biochemical experiments, etc. . This solution further expands the application boundaries of collaborative robots. Based on real-time force feedback and high-precision operation and control technology, it can obtain the ultimate immersive experience, extend human capabilities, and bring greater imagination to telemedicine, virtual training, space exploration, etc. space.

In December 2020, Yuejiang Technology released the MG400 ultra-small desktop manipulator. This series of products are mainly used in small automation scenarios such as the 3C industry, such as the plug-in test of computer notebooks, mobile phone shell gluing, testing, and toy assembly, etc. This product has a small footprint, flexible and easy to deploy, easy to use, and secure collaboration features, which have been loved by many downstream users.

It is worth mentioning that, as an industrial desktop robot arm, MG400 has an industrial-grade repeatability of ±0.05mm. The maximum load of MG400 is 750g, and the arm length of 440mm fully meets the requirements of lightweight desktop applications. The human-machine cooperation features such as drag teaching and collision detection can make MG400 truly meet the rapid deployment of production lines.

In addition, from the price point of view, the price of this series of products is one-third of the same type of robot, which is equivalent to the price of a computer can be exchanged for a desktop collaborative robot arm, but it can create unexpected value.

From local innovation to world brand, Yuejiang Technology has ranked first in the export list of domestic industrial robots for three consecutive years

  Self-reliance, innovation, and promotion of localization

In the past, local robots have always been subject to foreign core components, and the lack of this technology has led to high production costs, and the cost and profitability of local companies have faced greater pressure. Liu Peichao believes that only by insisting on the road of domestic independence, through independent research and development and innovation, and in the process of continuous iterative upgrading, can we break the international barriers of the robotics industry, reduce manufacturing costs, and achieve corner overtaking of independent brands. Promote the industry’s longer-term progress and development.

From the overcoming of technical barriers to the in-depth expansion of robot products and solutions, Liu Peichao, as the helm of Yuejiang Technology, is not only an innovative practitioner, but also an industry leader. Under the leadership of Liu Peichao, innovative genes have been integrated into the blood of every Yuejiang person. Every year, a large amount of R&D funds are invested in the R&D of core robot technology and product innovation. The proportion of the company’s R&D personnel has increased to more than 60%.

Yuejiang Technology launches at least one new product every year, from the control system, drive system, core components of servo motors, and the overcoming of the underlying algorithm of motion control, to breakthroughs in vision, force perception, and auditory control technologies. Has been at the forefront of the industry. At present, in the field of robotics, Yuejiang owns 928 related intellectual property rights, including 27 international invention patents, 645 Chinese patents, 84 software copyrights,

It has applied for 169 registered trademarks, covering the top 40 economies in the world in terms of trademark layout, and the localization rate of the company’s robot products has reached 90%.

It is understood that Yuejiang’s original non-contact collision detection solution – safety skin, can detect intruding objects at a distance of 15cm, and respond quickly within 10ms to stop or detour before collision. With the safety skin, the robot does not need to reduce the speed in advance. When a person approaches, it stops running and resumes after leaving, which not only realizes the safety of human-robot collaboration, but also ensures the operating efficiency of the robot. It breaks through the traditional detection scheme that cannot balance efficiency and safety. problem. At the same time, the safety skin is directly mounted on the surface of the robotic arm without taking up space and adding extra cost.

In addition to safety issues, Yuejiang Technology has made many explorations and innovations in human-computer interaction technology. For example, Yuejiang has enabled robots to have the ability to track and learn through the transfer learning algorithm. As long as a person demonstrates an action, the robotic arm can record it and execute it repeatedly. , which greatly improves the efficiency of robot teaching.

  The leader in export volume, with intelligence as the breakthrough direction

From the launch of the first-generation DOBOT magician, to today’s full-sensing industrial robots, collaborative robots and other robot products with world-class performance, in just three years, Yuejiang Industrial Robot has become the No. 1 export volume of domestic brand industrial robots in 2018. 1. It has been maintained for three consecutive years, providing services to more than 140 countries and regions around the world, with a cumulative shipment of 40,000 units, which has greatly increased the proportion of domestic lightweight intelligent robotic arms in the global market.

At present, Yuejiang has desktop-level industrial robotic arms, four-axis collaborative robotic arms and six-axis sensing collaborative robotic arms, with loads ranging from 0.5 kg to 16 kg, fully satisfying the automotive, 3C, home appliances, chemicals, food, clothing, shoes and hats and other industries. In the future, Yuejiang will continue to enrich the product matrix and provide customers with more choices of load and arm length.

When it comes to the direction of key breakthroughs in the future, intelligence will be the focus of Yuejiang’s strength. Liu Peichao believes that robots should be safe and intelligent enough to perceive the environment in real time and make accurate decisions, and be able to respond to changes in complex scenes, so as to achieve integration with people, the environment and other machines. In the future, the robot is not just an automated tool, but the best partner of human beings. It can work together with humans to achieve the effect of 1+1>2.

As a setter of industry standards, Yuejiang has continuously improved the level of industry innovation through practice. Liu Peichao was also rated as “Innovative Figures Influencing Shenzhen’s Equipment Industry Innovation and Development during the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up”, and was selected as one of the first batch of national outstanding innovation and entrepreneurship mentors by the Ministry of Education, the fourth Approved leading talents in science and technology entrepreneurship under the national “Ten Thousand People Program”. On this basis, Liu Peichao said that he will continue to adhere to independent innovation, firm high-quality development, and fulfill his mission and responsibilities from a higher perspective, so as to promote China’s intelligent manufacturing to the world.

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