The three bureaus of China Construction are all over, and construction robots are entering a trillion-dollar market

As the golden development period of large infrastructure and real estate has passed, seeking a higher-quality operating model will inevitably become the development direction of the construction industry in the future, and the application of construction Robots will be an important part.

Just a few days ago, the China Construction Third Bureau and the China Construction Third Bureau’s science and innovation industry established the China Construction Third Bureau Cloud robot Co., Ltd., and the enterprise search shows that the business scope of the China Construction Third Bureau Cloud Robot Co., Ltd. is mainly intelligent In the research and development and sales of robots, intelligent construction robots will be more and more widely involved in construction operations.

In fact, last year, China Construction Third Bureau used construction robots in a professional football field project. It successfully applied three intelligent construction robots on a 450-square-meter concrete work surface, which improved construction efficiency and quality. It can be seen that China Construction Three Bureau does not blindly enter the construction robot track, but participates only after having certain experience in use and recognizing its value.

The wide application of construction robots has far-reaching significance for the healthy development of the construction industry. Compared with traditional construction methods, the use of construction robots can ensure construction safety, improve construction quality, and improve construction efficiency, thereby improving the comprehensive benefits of construction. In addition, promoting construction The transformation of the industry to digital-driven Industrial automation can also reduce engineering site pollution and help achieve dual carbon targets.

Construction robots make up for manpower shortage

Construction robots are actually not very new. They have been developed and applied as early as the 1980s. Starting from Japan, construction robots in South Korea, the United States, Germany and other developed countries have grown rapidly. This is because the economy has reached a certain stage of development. Inevitably, and now our country has also come to this stage.

As a dangerous and heavy labor-intensive industry, the construction industry has been most obviously affected by the aging population in recent years. According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics’ Migrant Workers Monitoring and Survey Report, in 2014, the number of construction workers in China reached a peak of 61.09 million. After that, the number of people declined rapidly at an average annual rate of more than 1 million. By the end of 2021, there were only 51.64 million people, an annual decrease of nearly 10 million people in seven years.

In addition, the number of young workers aged 20 to 30 in the construction industry has decreased sharply, while the proportion of elderly employees over the age of 50 has increased year by year, and has now exceeded one-third, which means that the reduction of workers in the industry will intensify in the next few years. “The construction site is like a prison.” , will only consume their own youth and life”, “As long as there is a choice, young people will not go to the construction site”, “It is basically impossible for young people to suffer from the construction site now”, these remarks are the most intuitive views of contemporary young people on the construction site feel.

The shortage of manpower and rising costs are becoming important problems to be solved in the construction industry, and the promotion of automated operations represented by construction robots has become the best choice. At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the “14th Five-Year” Construction Industry Development Plan “Notice”, directly emphasizing the need to accelerate the focus on promoting the application of construction robots that are compatible with prefabricated buildings, assisting and replacing “dangerous, complicated, dirty, and heavy” construction operations.

Some experts said, “The emergence of construction robots can effectively make up for the lack of manpower, and some repetitive and high-risk work can be done by robots. On the other hand, it can also release manpower and promote the transformation and upgrading of talents to technical aspects, such as Carry out research and development of intelligent construction industry technology.”

More than 80% of construction companies are willing to use robots

The construction industry is a pillar industry in my country, and its gross output value has continued to expand in the past ten years. Data show that from 2012 to 2021, the gross output value of my country’s construction industry continued to rise from 13.7 trillion yuan to 29.3 trillion yuan, with an added value of It accounts for as much as 7% of the gross domestic product.

In the past, the development speed of the construction industry was astonishing. As long as you entered it, you could make a lot of money. However, in the past two years, due to the economic development of the general environment and the continuous increase in the debt ratio of residents, the construction industry has taken a sharp turn for the worse. The profits are getting thinner and thinner. Enterprises in the industry The need to upgrade technology to improve efficiency and reduce costs is becoming more and more urgent.

Statistics from the China Construction Association show that China’s construction informatization investment accounts for only 0.08% of the total output value of the construction industry, compared with about 1% in developed countries in Europe and the United States, and there is huge potential for improvement.

According to a survey of 1,900 construction companies of different sizes in Europe, the United States and China last year commissioned by ABB, 91% of the companies said they would face a crisis of shortage of technical personnel in the next 10 years, and 44% of the companies said that it is very difficult to recruit workers. . In addition, 42% of companies said that improving health and safety on construction sites is a top priority, and the same 42% said that environmental requirements are a key driver of change in the construction industry.

The survey also shows that 81% of construction companies will introduce or increase the use of robotics and automation in the next 10 years, but not many companies are currently using robotics, and only 55% of construction companies say they are using robots, but In the automotive industry and manufacturing industry, this ratio is 84% ​​and 79% respectively, showing that construction robots still have a lot of room for growth.

It is predicted that in the next ten years, the output value of the global construction industry will increase by 85% to reach 15.5 trillion US dollars, and related construction robots will achieve a double-digit compound annual growth rate.

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