Nankai University’s new achievement, origami robot combined with cutting-edge technology to promote practical application

Origami art is one of China’s cultural treasures, with unique artistic value, and its rich spatial configuration can be traced back to more than 500 BC.The art of origami is also developed for researcherssmart robotThe system provides valuable material.Recently, teachers and students of Nankai University proposed a software based on origami structure.robot, and explored the structure design and system modeling of the soft robot. The paper “Design and Analysis of a Yoshimura Continuum Actuator” introducing the research work won the John Billingsley Best Conference Paper Award at the 28th IEEE M2VIP. The work was jointly completed by Zhang Jingyu, a master student, and Jie Chen, a doctoral student. Professor Han Jianda from the School of artificial intelligence and Dr. Dang Yu, a young teacher, served as instructors.

The origami robot structure resembles a musical instrument accordion, using classic patterns from the traditional art of origami. The origami robot controls the rotation of the motor to realize the elongation, contraction and bending of the origami module. Different from traditional rigid-body Robots, origami robots have better compliance, flexibility and scalability, and can be used for human-machine integration,the medical, industry, special applications and other fields to provide innovative methods.At the same time, origami robots are expected to combine advanced materials, flexiblesensorand other cutting-edge technologies to promote the practical application of soft robots.

The full name of IEEE M2VIP is IEEE Mechatronics andmachine visionApplied International Academic Conference (The 28th IEEE Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, M2VIP 2022), it is reported that this is the first time the conference has set up this award, named by the founder of the conference, Professor John Billingsley, in recognition of the most outstanding achievements in mechatronics and machine vision Best conference paper. According to the level of articles and the quality of reports, the organizing committee will comprehensively select the best conference papers from nearly 100 conference papers, and award conference certificates and bonuses to the authors of the articles.

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