partnerX: Creating a New World of Robot Education

AsiaIndustrial NetNews: In 2016, in the intelligentrobotThe tuyere, we feel the momentum from the ability storm again and again. The sales of new products reached 200 million yuan in 8 minutes, with explosive product competitiveness and explosive product system. In the world subverted by the mobile internet, smartphones and VR, the ability storm educational robot is a hollow man and an industry leader.

In 1996, when the Internet had not yet emerged, Dr. Yun Weimin, an educational roboticist, proposed the concept of educational robotics for the first time in the world, established the basic theory of educational robotics, and successfully developed a global robotics project with the entrepreneurial team in a humble office of only 22 square meters. The first educational robot. Ability Storm is affiliated to Shanghai Future Partner Robot Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “partnerX”).

For 20 years, AbilityStorm has cultivated the educational robot market from scratch, established the first educational robotics laboratory, published the first educational robotics textbook, founded the earliest educational robotics competition, and owns most of the world’s educational robotics patents. , has the most complete product line in the world, and the user age group expands from middle school students to primary school students and then to kindergarten children.

partnerX: Creating a New World of Robot Education

Similar to Apple and Lego, Capability Storm has spawned the idolatrous loyalty of “robot fans.” Please note that the “brothers” and “sisters” of the ability storm robot are not just children who are full of curiosity about the world, their parents, adult fans, world-renowned top creative masters, etc. are all the ability storm education Robots fans.

In the future partner company, the post-85s Li Guowei is a hardcore fan of Ability Storm. He loved robots since he was a child. When he participated in the robot competition in the second year of high school, he became attached to Ability Storm. Since then, Li Guowei has entered the work of future partners. CapabilityStorm educational robots have cultivated a generation, and many early CapabilityStorm fans have grown into excellent engineers or entrepreneurs and have achieved success in all walks of life. Ability Storm is an educational robot. When more and more children come into contact with the ability storm educational robot through schools, its extraordinary educational value has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Educational robots take the ability to succeed, radical constructivism and multiple intelligences as the cornerstone of educational theory, and are the best platform for young people to train their ability to succeed in happiness and improve their scientific and technological literacy. Educational robots must have abundant project design space and project implementation space. In the process of implementing extremely challenging and fun robot projects, young people train creativity, analysis and practical ability. The balance and effective use of these three abilities is the recognition of Knowing the ability of success proposed by psychologist Sternberg, the ability to succeed is the cornerstone of success in life. Therefore, educational robots have the extremely important core educational value that every student needs, and are a new industry with a broad market space. It took partnerX 20 years to create this new category.

partnerX: Creating a New World of Robot Education

partnerX CEO Fei Xufeng

Fei Xufeng, CEO of partnerX, analyzed that with the advancement of the mobile Internet wave, the chip performance has been greatly improved and the cost has been greatly reduced, laying the foundation for the sudden change in the cost-effectiveness of educational robots; It is very convenient to program educational robots; on the other hand, with the help of partnerX’s core inventions such as flowchart programming, elementary school students can program educational robots, and the invention of project programming can make it easy for three-year-old children to program, The combination of these factors has finally ushered in the explosion of the educational robot market.

In 2016, partnerX has completed a comprehensive layout of the educational robot market, forming a three-dimensional design of the home, activity center and school market, forming an online and offline mutual enhancement system, and forming an integration model of industry and in-depth services.

In October last year, the flagship store of Capability Storm Tmall was grandly opened. It ushered in the “Double Eleven” in less than a month after its opening. The online sales on that day alone exceeded 10 million, making it the No. 1 in sales on the entire network. robot. Last year, the ability storm experience store opened in the United States, and the international layout began to unfold. In 2016, partnerX has completed nearly 600 million yuan in financing at a valuation of 6 billion yuan, and has completed the construction of a 30,000-square-meter production base. It has an excellent team of more than 1,000 people, half of which are R&D teams. These are the 2017 Years of explosive growth have laid a solid foundation.

“It is estimated that in 2025, the educational robot market space will reach 300 billion, and it will become the world’s largest robot market. This is a new continent of robots created by the Chinese company partnerX. Our mission is to maintain the status of the world’s first brand of educational robots. In 2017 Our mission is that the revenue must reach more than 1.8 billion yuan, to achieve the goal of China’s largest robot company in 2018, and the world’s largest robot company in 2020.” Fei Xufeng, CEO of partnerX, is ambitious and confident.

The real secret of the ability storm educational robot is that it does not sell a single product, but the entire educational system. The first core of educational robots is education, and the second is intelligent robots. A series of educational connotations are the key. After 20 years of accumulation, the ability storm educational robot has embedded more than 50 sets of teaching materials, and continues to expand. Back in 1998, Dr. Yun Weimin theoretically proved that educational robots are the best platform to train young people’s success ability and cultivate scientific and technological literacy. He is one of the two founders of educational robotics. On a global scale, AbilityStorm has an authoritative influence in the field of educational robotics. AbilityStorm educational robot is the only designated competition platform for the “World Educational Robot Competition (WER)” with the largest scale, the most advanced competition items and the most educational value in the world. In 2016, more than 500,000 people signed up for competitions at all levels, an almost doubled growth.

partnerX: Creating a New World of Robot Education

In the view of Professor Jake Mendelssohn, another founder of World Educational Robotics, Capability Storm educational robots are of milestone significance: “I have seen the revolutionary achievements of educational robots, and have seen educational robots expand from building blocks and mobile robot types to expanding When it comes to humanoids and flying robots, I see the bright prospects for children in kindergarten to implement robotics projects, and see that educational robots contain the most cutting-edge technologies.”

When you first buy a Capability Storm educational robot, you think you’re buying a Robotic toy. But when you are immersed in it, you will find that this is just the beginning: cutting into the whole world with educational robots, the ability storm educational robot emphasizes not only the fun and creativity of learning, not only learning various technologies and engineering knowledge, not only Learning to program and implement projects is also a kind of training for young people’s ability to succeed. The more young people use it, the more they like it and the more valuable it is. This is the ultimate educational value that cannot be replaced by any physical toy, mobile game, or VR experience and affects the success of life.

partnerX is such a special company, it can take 20 years to create a brand new market from scratch, concentrate, focus, never give up, with incredible insight and persistence into the future, a huge new world of robots is getting more and more Clarity, and it all started 20 years ago…

partnerX: Creating a New World of Robot Education

partnerX also has many special genes. They have distinct core values ​​and a clear brand strategy. They not only have more than 300 inventions, but also have the theory of educational robotics. They practice the Gemini entrepreneur combination of scientists and management geniuses. They have a special share structure, and their team is filled with a fanatical atmosphere for robots…

The product story of the ability storm educational robot module series Boya 5 is as follows: Boya 5 came from the Mercury Boya Crater Base of partnerX in 3017. We came to the earth by time machine to help the young people on the earth train their ability to succeed and improve their scientific and technological literacy. …

The company believes they can continue into 3017.

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